Company of Young Professionals – Leadership Café with Evo

Date: November 29, 2016

Name: Company of Young Professionals – Leadership Café with Evo


Presenter: Tai Silvey

Many young leaders are the next generation in many innovative industries, especially in technology. Moreover, their contributions lead companies to the innovative direction. Company of Young Professionals invites Tai Silvey, the Director of Evo Car Share at British Columbia Automobile Association (BCAA), to discuss the future of Evo in Vancouver. Young leaders will learn how Evo can change the transportation infrastructure. Moreover, Tai Silvey will share his insight on how Evo can benefit the future generation. In this presentation, young leaders will focus on the evolution of transportation and the sharing economy.

Tai Silvey is the Director of Evo Car Share. He is also one of the founding member of BCCA that launched the Evo Share project. Before Evo, Tai Silvey was the National Account Manager of Dyson that focused on branding and Territory Sales Manager of Red Bull. Moreover, Tai Silvey also volunteered as Disaster Management Instructor for Canadian Red Cross for over 7 years.

BCAA created Evo to provide car sharing option for the next generation. Evo is the next generation of mobility for British Columbia. When demographic changes, environment factors appear. To mitigate those factors, Evo membership is created.

Silvey states only 45% of 17 years old North Americans will have license in 2010. 44% of millennials will make effort on alternative. Furthermore, 35% of millennials believe losing computer will create negative impact on their life. BCAA introduces Evo as one way car share, which can embrace British Columbia lifestyle

Currently, Silvey believes there are 3 types.

  • Consumer sharing type
  • Airbnb type
  • Business to consumer type

Silvey emphasizes that Evo has two major elements: convince and simplicity. Evo focuses on 3 simple instruction.

  1. Find a car online with the app
  2. Unlock and hit the road
  3. Park anywhere in the home area

In 2015, Evo launched over 250 cars. Evo manage to expand the home zone to Grouse mountain. Later, Evo had over 400 cars in used with the expansion to University of British Columbia. In 2016, Evo reached 600 cars within one year. Currently, Evo has over 750 cars in used over North Vancouver district. Evo is now ahead of the result. Silvey reveals Evo is currently targeting 60% of millennials and the research shows 73% of them are taking trips. Transportation is a dynamic equation for Evo. The research indicates transportation is about the means and not the mode. Silvey shares 3 main characteristics for Evo.

  1. Constant contextual evolution and re-evolution
  2. Constant communication and coordination
  3. Remaining hyper flexible and spontaneous

Car sharing is flexible and any trip can be a car share trip. This includes routine commutes, errand trip chains, quick shot, city activity, and unexpected scramble. In average, adult takes about 3.9 trips per day and the majority of them categorizes as single person private car trip. The demand is growing and options are changing. In 2021, technology will advance to the possibility of self-drive car.

Evo focuses on convenience in transportation option. Also, Evo’s members are resourceful and juggle multiple transportation options in a single trip. Many ride sharing options are entering Vancouver in the next 2 years. Silvey asks young leaders what direction Evo should evolve to become a mobility leader in the market.

Suggestions from young leaders

Young leaders suggest Evo to create loyalty program that provides incentive perks and notification alerts. Branding can expand towards luxury car share, bike share and even ski tool share. Minutes bundle can be an option for Evo. Young leaders can repurchase minutes or even send through gift cards.

Evo is suggested to install drive tracking mechanism to improve easy spotting and safety. Evo can enhance user sharing experience and create community. Evo can also target different pricing strategy, such as bundling or donation.

Consumer journey is important for Evo, so Evo can integrate compass card to reach untapped areas through universal system. The system can predict faster route for consumers. Evo is recommended to launch car pool option that emphasizes real time sharing experience. This can attract new members and reduce fixed costs.

Young leaders encourage Evo to utilize data for social sharing or rewarding. Evo should implement “Evo Connect” to broaden the sharing program. Evo Connect can help young leaders to look for available ride. This allows young leaders to experience adventure sharing by joining adventure together with other Evo members. Evo can offer referral programs for discount promotion.