Develop others talk with Garth Pieper

Date: February 18, 2015

Name: Develop others talk with Garth Pieper

IMG_3599[1]Presenter: Garth Pieper

An important concept every leader needs to know in any leadership is to develop others. It is important for leaders to recognize their team members and find ways to exceed their potentials. This presentation invites Garth Pieper, the Director of Lotto Sales in British Columbia Lotto Corporation, to discuss his leadership insights in the area of developing others. Garth Pieper will share his journey of success in BCLC. Moreover, leaders will benefit this presentation and discover their ways to improve others.

Garth Pieper has been in the managing position for over 15 years. Pieper started his career in the beverage industry. Without any initial training, he managed to work from sales to a management position. He discovered his leadership style was surrounded by a question.

“How do I want to treat people?”

For the first 7 years, Pieper had no mentoring and there were not many positive role models he could look upon. In his 8 years in BCLC, he felt the culture was dramatically different. He learned the culture was focused on people. He had the opportunity to manage other managers because the culture encouraged him to lead people through others. Alternatively, he realized leading people could transform others.

Developing others

A method of developing other leaders is to encourage them to ask questions. It requires two way communications. By discover their deep understanding of their career, leaders can align future opportunities and task to their desire achievement. Pieper calls this “big picture approach”.

Pieper believes by helping others increase potentials can evolve their current skills. Leaders can utilize resources to help their teams to reach their potentials. Pieper defines developing others requires joint initiative. In an organization, it is important to encourage employment development, which includes professional and personal growth. Sometimes leaders use pushing method to develop joint accountability with their employees; however, Pieper believes instead of pushing, leaders should lead others to identify their self-awareness on both personal and professional growth.

Leadership comes from any role. Anybody can show leadership as long as they can inspire others.

“If you did not get it, you need to find it”

Leadership capabilities

Leaders need to have certain capabilities to develop others. These include empathy, trust, respect, authenticity, empowerment, and value people. However, Pieper believes the most important capability is to like people.

“If you do not like people, you cannot develop people”

Pieper believes leaders need to know how to do it themselves In order to help others. Developing others includes three elements: encourage, accountability, and confidence. Leaders will not do others work for them; instead, they just need to hold accountable for them. Furthermore, leaders need to distinguish managing people and managing growth.

Pieper suggests leaders need to help others to develop their realistic plans. This includes tough conversations and active listening. Leaders have the ability to do more listening and provide strategic orientation.

Leaders should be transparent to their teams. Leaders need to take their plans ahead by knowing where they want to take their team. Team charter is significant because it will help teams to identify their directions. Moreover, plans will help leaders to understand others career aspirations.

Pieper recommends leaders to set regular meetings. Meetings can categorize to development, operational, and performance meeting. Each meeting focuses on different tangible goals. As a matter of fact, it is important to be clear and put it in context because tough conversations can lead to empathy. Meetings should be personalized because it can help leaders to choose the right solutions for the right people.

“If it means that much to you, you will find no excuse”

Leaders can discover their growth by tracking their progress and accomplishments. Feedback from others can also track others growth.

During the transition, Pieper indicates learning growth is important. In a new career environment, leaders need to create relationship with their new teams and new boss. In addition, leaders need to learn to trust people and treat people with respect.

Pieper recommends leaders to generate a list they want to accomplish. This will help leaders to keep track. Leaders need to be humble and always put other’s needs in front of their own. Start small, and with compound effect, leaders will see the outcome in the future.

Sometimes team members can have different styles. Leaders need to create a clear line with their team. It is important to provide the tough conversation early. Leaders need to be patient and nobody is perfect. Moreover, leaders need to set a clear expectation. If leaders want people to growth, they must be willing let others fail. If leaders do not have that flexibility, they will restrict others to grow.

“More power leadership you have, more people watching you”

Pieper indicates leaders who will not get others motivated, they will not able to get others to grow. Leaders can choose their attitude they want to project. More positive of their attitude, more energy they will change others.

“Before you develop others, you will develop yourself”