Packing a Punch – The business behind the world’s fastest growing sports organization

Date: June 13, 2014

Name: Packing a Punch – The Business behind the world’s fastest growing sports organization

IMG_2144[1]IMG_2146[1]Presenter: Dana White, and Tom Wright

The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is a fast growing professional sports organization in the world. Dana White, the president of UFC, will share his business mind behind the organization. Along with Tom Wright, the Managing Director of UFC, and the moderator from Team 1040, Bro Jake Edwards, White is prepared to motivate young entrepreneurs with his business insight and strategies.

Wright mentions UFC is used to be illegal in the sports entertainment due to health and safety issues. In addition, Dana White has inherited many liabilities and risk when he brought UFC. Working along with White, UFC has presented strong regulation and creditability. Within five years, UFC is the top 3 sports entertainment.

Dana White chooses Vancouver to host UFC event is because he believes Canada has a strong market. He originally believes United States, United Kingdom and Mexico are considered as the primary markets for UFC; however, Canada has blown him away.

Dana White considers passion is the key that let him continue his organization. Dana White believes bad things happen every day, so he treats every day is a battle with other people. Moreover, he is never shown friendly towards his business competitors because he has the personality trait of competing until there is a winner.

Dana White emphasizes a majority of UFC fighters has college education, unlike the old street story from the movies. He believes UFC has moved from the old traditional philosophy to new generation where UFC is not just fighting, it is martial art.

“Two people fight, give a punch, and one will run. Fighting is in DNA. Everybody is an expert on who will win. Fighting works everywhere”

IMG_2154[1]People expect sportsmanship and everyone treats others with respect. Dana White uses this strategy to connect fighters from different countries around the world to generate fans.

Dana White believes human beings are fascinating with fighters. Wayne Gretzky will only be well-known in Canada for hockey or LeBron James will only be known in United States for basketball. Nevertheless, Mike Tyson, the boxer, has blown everyone’s mind and everyone knows him. Fighters are everywhere and fighters have no barriers in districts around the world.

The biggest lesson in UFC Success

Dana White believes people do not have a lot of time in their lives because life is short. People should not drive to the jobs they hate; instead, they should work for something they are passion about and try to make money out from it. People are afraid and there is always a reason behind their afraid. People should step out and go for their passion because the worst case is to go back to your old job.

UFC is already out of business at the beginning. Dona White still believes his idea even though people are giving bad reviews. He continues his determination and is able to create the brand to a level no one ever thought of.

“Do not let anyone say your idea sucks. Do not care, believe what you are doing and kick some ass”

People believe Dana White is the face of UFC. In the interview, he emphasizes he only promotes fighters and Fighters are the real stars of UFC.

During 2012, UFC faces a downturn in Calgary due to injury of most fighters. However, Calgary fans are still support UFC and the event is all sold out. Dana White is planning to return to Calgary and return the favor back to Calgary fans.

How UFC is going to sustain for the next 10 years?

Dana White believes UFC is not going to the same route as boxing. In the old times, boxers were in passion to fight in the ring. However, now boxers are trying to avoid fighters. In UFC, He encourages fighters to fight and UFC will continue to expand.

Dana White has the vision to get fighters to represent their country to fight around the world. People will support their own countries and they will respect their fighters. UFC is a young men game and old fighters will get retired. New fighters will step up and the cycle continues.

In the old days, UFC starts with no social media and shows only appear once. Because of the convenience of internet, Dana decides to change UFC to fit the new generation trend and make the shows available everywhere.

Do fighters drive the brand or brand drives the fighter?

Dana White believes it works both ways. He will take anything that can give attraction to young people. The main purpose of any live events is to deliver the “holy shit” moments.

“UFC delivers the brand, and brand delivers the UFC”

Interesting perspective from Dana White

Dana White likes to use swear words in his interviews because he believes it is a trend to reach younger audience. He still uses flip phone because his only text and phone. When his phone is fully charged, the battery can last for 3 days; unlike smartphones where they need to charge everyday and only last for 1 day.